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Pledges and certificates

ZhdU specialises in providing care for hospitals, orphanages and nursing homes. Of particular importance in this regard is our membership in the Swiss Taskforce for Support to the Ukrainian Health Care System, founded by H+ The Hospitals of Switzerland, Hack4Health, Zuerich hilft der Ukraine ZhdU and the Baselland Medical Association. The cooperation with H+, the national umbrella organisation of public and private Swiss hospitals, clinics and care institutions, deserves special mention. Access to medical networks enables an exchange about the needs of medical professionals in Ukraine and the procurement of the necessary assistance in Switzerland.

Our generous donors include Hirslanden Zurich, Waidspital, Triemlispital, Impfzentrum Zug, Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève, Clinique de La Tour, University Hospital Zurich, Dr. Andres Apotheke Stadelhofen, Venenklinik Bellevue, Spitex, Benu Apotheke, and individuals who support our work with a financial donation. We thank the Embassy of Ukraine in Switzerland for securing our transports with official documents.

A big thank you to our supporters

Slava Ukrayini!

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